Monday, March 16, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus 8

Okay, I am not an avid viewer of any television show except for this one! Sure, I will DVR The Simpsons & South Park and watch them almost daily, but it is not the same. Every Monday night at 8:00 I am sitting in front of my tv enjoying the new episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8.

However, tonight I learned that next week is the season finale. Sad, but these things happen. After googling the topic, I found out that it should be starting up again in May. Whew. But..........

what was this preview that showed them acting as if they were going to get a divorce? I know they might just be playing it up because of the many many rumors about Jon's excursions with young college girls. But a part of me it real?

Ugh these things bother me! Hopefully next week's episode clears things up!


Anonymous said...

Aiden should get his own spinoff show. He would point at animals and tell us what they are, then smell his feet.

cherylinspace said...

I agree!