Sunday, March 22, 2009


I went shopping with my mom and sister yesterday. It was GREAT. I spent a lot of money. I got several new tops, a couple of Brewers hoodies & a Brewers windjacket (mom bought these for me as a gift for my birthday from the family), several decorative things, some apple scented bodywash/lotion/body spray, some fabric, some felt, a new pair of fabric scissors to replace the ones I lost, rugs for the balcony, and a second cat carrier to quash my fears of having a fire in the apartment and squishing both cats into one. I really had a good time yesterday and it is so nice to have a crazy money spending day once in awhile. I actually continued spending money this morning by buying 9 t-shirts from threadless (there was a big sale) and several "junk" items from perpetual kid. However, I do not consider them junk...I consider them treasures. Yes, so put some money into the economy. Just doing my part. 

Today is a day of relaxation. I got my grocery shopping and laundry out of the way early. Now I am just surfing the net and watching some basketball. Later I may go on a walk if it is still nice. I want to finish Goblet of Fire within a couple of days if possible because I'm excited to know what comes of this and to see what the next movie will be like!!

I love lazy Sundays.

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