Sunday, August 17, 2008


This past week has been mostly uneventful. 

My couch finally came. I love it and have been sitting on it pretty much every second I've been home. It's comfy and I can stretch out on it without any limbs dangling off the edge. Spirit doesn't seem to care about it, but I did catch her sleeping on the back of it a couple of times.

I tried putting up some more of my decorations around the apartment, but I'm so lazy. I'd rather spend my free time laying around and playing on my macbook. It's sad, really. But, my living room is pretty much fully decorated (minus a few items that I haven't purchased yet), and I guess that's the most important since that's the only room anyone ever sees. Not that we have many guests...

I also got CS3 from work, so I'm pretty ecstatic about that. So far, I am nearly finished illustrating a logo. I wanted to create a fake mascot, so I drew my cat. 
It's taking a long time, though, because of all of her stripes. I'm also trying to set up a new design on my blog....and I kind of lost a few of my widgets in the process. I will put them back once the layout is finished and I won't have to worry about them disappearing again. Here's a sneak peak at my illustrations (not finished of course).

I want to do some prints on clothing, but I am unsure of whether or not I will go through my work. I can't get a discount unless I order 12 items (I think) and I don't want that many items. I know there are websites that will do prints, but I will have to research prices. 

Today is Sunday, which sucks because I have to work tomorrow, but I'm going to try to enjoy it. I need to go shopping today to buy some pants and I also need to return a couple of things. I might try to look again for some jewelry for the wedding next weekend. I want purple things, but haven't had much luck finding anything. I guess it's almost noon, so should probably go get ready since we are leaving in about an hour.

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