Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014!

Hi there! As promised, here is a monthly update from the world of Cheryl:

-I took Lots of pictures of my love cats (and here are a couple):

-I have been suffering in unbelievably cold temps all month & there has been loads of snow. I am so sick of winter :'(

-I drank a margarita as big as my hand

-I started counting calories again - for real. Also been working out regularly again. I've been using EA Sports Active 2 (I LOVE THIS GAME) and Zumba (I have a dvd box set and also using the game Zumba Core). And I've been cooking and trying new things a lot more frequently! I will post recipes of some of my new favorites in the future :)

-I attended a pirate themed, combined birthday party for my nephews. :)

-I got piercings #6 and #7. These images are mirrored FYI.

-I started my bed quilt/duvet cover finally. I'm not even close to being done - still in the process of cutting out pieces. This will be a long project.


-I was sick for a week. It was the worst. Just a really bad cold I think, but I felt like poo.

-I tried a detox bath for the first time. It wasn't bad. Here's the detox bath recipe I used.

-I lightened my ombre highlights a bit more. I think I will do full ombre when the weather gets warmer. Love it!

-I've been trying harder and harder not to use/eat products in which animals have been harmed to create. It makes me very angry and sad that people think they are > than animals. We are not.

-I tried a hot coconut oil hair treatment. My hair is really soft, but honestly I thought it stunk. Next time I might add some essential oils. Here's a how-to similar to what I did. I heated my oil in a mug in some boiling water instead of in my hands, though.

Movies I saw in January:
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 
Inside Llewyn Davis 

The Wolf of Wall Street 
American Hustle 
The Square 
Call Me Kuchu 
The Act of Killing (I've seen the longer version, first time viewing shorter version) 
12 Years a Slave 

If anyone reads this, I hope you are well and I will see you next month for my February post! It's likely I will post a few recipes before then, so look out for that. ;)


PD said...

I love the update! Can't wait to read your recipes when you post them. Amaz ing how when we look at a month of activities and accomplishments things seem better!

cherylinspace said...

I agree. I want to do this at least for this whole year, hopefully longer. I love looking back on this kind of stuff. It's nice to have it all in one place. :)