Friday, March 16, 2012

High Five For Friday!

I'm linking up with for "High Five For Friday"! Hopefully I will be making this post every week. ;)

Here are some things I LOVED about this week!! (Other than being on spring break which is a given!):

March Madness! Even though I don't know much about basketball, I love filling out a bracket every year! (Excuse the dumb doodles...)

Birthday cards!! My birthday is Sunday, March 18th, and I got a bunch of birthday cards this week from loved ones.

St. Paddy's Day sugar cookies-YUMMMM! My mom made a batch and sent some home. They are going fast!!

This amazing weather!! I couldn't ask for a more beautiful week for spring break!!  And it looks like next week will be just as nice! I had my windows open every day!

5. Friday fun-day!! My fiance has a rotating schedule at work, so he doesn't get the same days off every week! Since he has today off and I am on spring break, we are going to the Henry Vilas Zoo today and doing some "shopping" (probably more looking than shopping since I am trying to save money, but we'll see!)!

Honestly, this has been a REALLY good week! I could keep going, but I will just stick to the five.


Unknown said...

This is a cool idea! Glad you had such a good week/ Happy Birthday!!!!

cherylinspace said...

Thanks!! I need to change my blogger settings lol. I didn't get any notifications of any of my comments so I just have a bunch sitting here that I didn't even know about! That's why I am responding so late. :)